Tuesday 13 May 2014


Before you start reading this post I would like to ask you for a favour. Can you PLEASE free your mind?
I know there is a lot of BIAS about Aroism for those who already think they know what it is. SO FREE  YOUR MIND!!
 Lets Dive into it.
I would like to describe Aroism as the artistic way of letting out STEAM.
I was introduced to this art in my first year in uni. I stayed in one of the largest male halls on campus along with some of the brightest minds on campus.

After weeks of ups and downs in all aspects of a student’s life there is inevitably some level of frustration, anger, joy, anxiety and STEAM that is built up. 
 Although AROISM can be carried out individually on a daily basis it is usually at its peak during the second semester . Most times it is described as that brief moment of "madness".it also takes a number of different forms but i wouldn't want to get into details A proper example would be during hall rallies.       I really suck at descriptions so I would let pictures do part of the talking .
On days like this  it starts with face and body painting.        
Aroism doesn't discriminate .Either old or young you are welcome to participate as long as you bring along a good sense of humour.
Along with painting there are "costumes" .This is where you are allowed to display your AROISTIC sense of fashion.
Lool. After all this ,during rallies there is MOVEMENT !

 Accompanied with some loud GBEDU and holy water the bottled up steam is let out in form of chants , dancing and displays 

AROISM once again doesn't discriminate , Even females can join in .
Notice: One must also be careful.As I said you need a good sense of humour . More often than not some displays are not considered funny,artistic or even intellectual.But who says they have to be.

 Books are not left behind !

In conclusion I figured most people  might have questions like 'what is the benefit of all this ?' or opinions like 'I think its razz','its unnecessary' or might even consider it stupid. 
I really cant answer all of your questions or address all of your opinions but i can tell you this.AROISM is an avenue of hope ,fun and  laughter. It allows you to relieve stress and also express yourself in ways that can be considered socially  unacceptable . Not on your own but in the comfort of friends and acquaintances.In my opinion that's a better alternative than bottling it up till I explode .

Thanks for taking time out to read the post . Feel FREE to comment !


  1. Nice piece..

  2. Lol...truly its just about letting steam off and catching your cruise...nice work Gbenjo Blaze..

  3. Nice...part of school life��

  4. There's been a wrong perspective to what 'AROISM' is all about.But with this explicit,short piece from a great mind {Gbenjo},I believe Aroism will be well understood.Kudos..


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trying to find my way in a crazy world. @Gbenjo_Blaze on twitter. bhimbhor@live.co.uk